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Friday, February 29, 2008

Mandy Moore - candids arriving at Sydney international airport

Mandy Moore - candids arriving at Sydney international airport

Mandy Moore Does looks like a sweet mum sometimes, but after looking at her candid pics and photos makes one think my oh my how time flies, it's just like yesterday we saw the CANDY MTV of Miss Mandy Moore, she really does well in projecting the sweet and candid gal that we use to love, Mandy Moore is hot

Mandy Moore - candids arriving at Sydney international airport

Mandy Moore - candids arriving at Sydney international airport
Mandy Moore - candids arriving at Sydney international airport
Mandy Moore - candids arriving at Sydney international airport
Mandy Moore - candids arriving at Sydney international airport

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She looks terrible in these photos. Almost as hideous as those people she's posing with. Oh well, what do you expect from a 21-hour flight from LA. Greetings from California. USA RULES!!